Topic 3: Reflection

Taken from: Pinterest

Notice the very old macbook and ipod..?

Hello once again everybody.

Initially, I felt online profiles were only for the creative people who needed a portfolio. Especially those who do freelance work. But after reading so many post and commenting on Patricia’s and Yu Ting’s blogs. I realised that an online professional account is more than that.

An online professional account is an extension of your resume. In the past it would have seemed cool to have an online presence for work purposes. Now it is a necessity.

Most of my classmates looked at this topic and thought of job opportunities and recruitment.  Simon made a few relevant points that I notice is constant with what most of my classmates wrote.

The need to research on yourself to find any loopholes in your online presence, the need to develop your profile through enhancing the positive points and “mitigating” the negative points. Lastly, the need for honesty and authenticity.

I feel that these are essential steps to make when developing a profile. Although they are a bit commonsense, many web users often overlook these points because of it’s simplicity.

I also really like Ian’s point on being real.

People often get lost in the need of looking holistic and clean to create an image of professionalism. However, they are so caught up in that need they tend to forget that an online profile is suppose to represent the user.

I like that Ian brought up SteveKardynal. Because what Steve has is passion and through his online presence, he shows the passion that he has and that is what attracts employers.

Overall this topic has been very eye opening, especially for me who has been quite myopic in this subject matter. I think I thoroughly enjoy reading what my friends wrote.


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